Announcements and Tenders
On this page you can find the active announcements and the results of past tenders.
Consult and download the documentation from our site.
Announcements and alerts in progress
Calls, expired notices and tender results
GARA Lotto 1 CIG: A017728788 – CUP: G61B22002500004 Lotto 2 CIG: A01773E9AF – CUP: G61B22002500004
Expiry date: 21 October 2023
Tender documentation
GARA CIG: 9508797B82 – CUP: G61J22000590008
Expiration date: 20 December 2022 10:00
Tender documentation and outcome
GARA N. 7036246 - CIG N. 743284628F scadenza 19 aprile 2018
Deadline for receipt of bids 19.04.2018
European open tender for the contract for the supply of No. 4 class I diesel buses with Euro 6 engines
GARA N. 8442037 CIG: 90904848B4 scadenza 14 febbraio 2022
Award of the contract for the “Supply of n. 12 Class III (Suburban) Euro 6 diesel buses - length 12.80-13.20 m with 2 axles” — SAIS Autolinee S.p.A.
CIG: 90904848B4
Telematic platform for participation:
Tender reports:
Determine final award:
GARA N. 7020394 scadenza 20 marzo 2018
Deadline for receipt of bids 26.03.2018
European open procedure tender, divided into lots, for the contract to supply 4 class I buses and 8 class III diesel buses with Euro 6 engines